Pregnancy After Reversible Birth Control

Women First Care
Through every stage of life

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Icon representing birth control


& Planning


The length of time it will take you to become pregnant after use of a reversible method of birth control depends upon individual factors.

Most women’s fertility immediately returns to baseline after they stop using reversible birth control. The only birth control method that may not be immediately reversible is Depo-Provera, which can take up to 18 months. For some, it may take several months before ovulation becomes regular and you can become pregnant, especially if your periods were irregular before you used birth control. Hormonal birth control does not increase the risk of infertility and actually protects fertility, especially in women with endometriosis.

Sexual Health Is an Essential Aspect of Women’s Health

Family planning is an important part of life and allows you to plan ahead for the life and family you want.

Sexual Health is An Essential Aspect to Women’s Health

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