As a practicing gynecologist in the Louisville area, I would like to respond to the September 2nd Courier-Journal opinion article questioning the value of women’s annual gynecologic exam. While it is true that various health-related organizations disagree as to the value of certain screening tests, the majority of us who focus our medical practice on wellness for women can attest to a huge value gained with the annual gynecologic exam. I remember well being nervous about my own first gynecologic exam as a teenager. My mother’s OB/GYN, Dr. Cecil Grumbles, gently reassured me. He let me know that he could help my horrendous cramps that were causing me to miss school once a month. I had just assumed that bad cramps were to be part of my life, but he not only made my life better (and my grades), my experience inspired me to consider the field in which I am now privileged to practice.