Breast Cancer Screening

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Breast cancer is currently the most common cancer in non-smoking women. (While smoking increases the risk of breast cancer, lung cancer is more common in smokers.) It is estimated that over a lifetime, one in eight American women will develop breast cancer. Currently, mammograms are the best way to screen most women for early detection of breast cancer.

Mammograms are recommended yearly starting at age 40 for most women. Mammograms become more reliable as a woman ages and her breasts become less dense. Breast self-exams should begin when you’re in your twenties and performed monthly after that. The self-exam acts as a “safety net” to catch a mass that might not show up on a mammogram.

A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, has been shown to reduce risk. Regular breast exams and mammograms by your health care provider, along with your regular self-breast exam, can also increase early detection.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends you have a mammogram every year beginning at age 40. Mammography remains the best way to detect breast cancer early, when it’s most treatable.

At Women First, mammogram technical services are provided right in our office by our own staff of radiologic technologists. These dedicated staff members maintain up-to-date certifications with the America College of Radiology, in addition to undergoing annual inspections.

It’s easy to forget when you had your last mammogram—and when it’s time to schedule one. Women First is committed to improving our patients’ ability to obtain regular mammograms, so we offer mammogram services to you at the time of your annual gynecologic exam.

Breast images taken in our Imaging Suite are sent to Baptist Health Diagnostic Center (formerly Women’s Diagnostic Center) in Louisville, where they are interpreted by radiologists specializing in breast diagnostics. Results are usually available in two days, and we’ll be sure you receive those results, usually by mail.

We recommend you get annual mammograms beginning at age 40. Please call 6-8 weeks before your annual appointment so that mammogram services can be coordinated with your exam.

Is it Time to Schedule Your Annual Wellness Exam?

Your annual women’s health appointment is a vital part of your health care, and the perfect time to talk to your Care Team about your personal health questions.

Is it Time to Schedule Your Annual Wellness Exam?

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