Bioidentical Hormones

Women First Care – Through every stage of life

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Hormone therapy is still considered the most effective treatment for symptoms of menopause—hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness. However, many women are concerned about hormone replacement therapy due to its potentially increased risks for breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and blood clots.

Bioidentical hormones are hormones that are molecularly identical to those our body produces during the reproductive years, rather than synthetic or “derived” hormones that are similar yet not identical. While it seems appropriate to use hormone molecules identical to those found in humans to replace them, it’s important to remember that even our own hormones (made naturally by our own body) pose some health risks. Reproductive hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and progesterone are designed to facilitate reproduction and add vitality, beauty, desire, and other positive qualities. However, in women, these hormones are programmed to “retire” with menopause.

Bioidentical estrogen is still estrogen, and there are some considerations whether its molecules are identical to human estrogen or not (the same issue exists with progesterone and testosterone as well).  Some “bioidentical hormones” also are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), especially compounded bioidenticals, and do not require risks and side effects to be reported on the package insert.

Bioidentical is not always the same as compounded. There are many prescription bioidentical hormone therapies we use every day that are not compounded.

As a result, Women First approaches bioidentical hormone therapy using an individualized approach, with your health and safety as our top priority. Talk to your provider about what…if any…hormone therapy might be right for you.

Is it Time to Schedule Your Annual Wellness Exam?

Your annual women’s health appointment is a vital part of your health care, and the perfect time to talk to your Care Team about your personal health questions.

Is it Time to Schedule Your Annual Wellness Exam?

What People Are Saying

Alina Zabelle
Alina Zabelle
Got me that day very professional clean environment
Lisa Webb
Lisa Webb
Dr. Miller is my doctor and I can't say enough good about her and any of the staff I have interacted with. I highly recommend them.
Tiffany Enriquez
Tiffany Enriquez
I love Dr. Brown. Hands down, she is an Angel on Earth. I literally would not be here today without her. She always tells me exactly what I need to hear, she stands up for her patients, and has believed in me when I don’t believe in myself. Woman’s health isn’t just gynecological. It’s mental. It’s having someone there to hold your hand when you’re alone. And Dr. Brown continues to hold my hand and I can’t thank her enough. I will forever be indebted to her and will love her forever. I will miss her incredibly and deeply when she retires. Thank you Dr. Brown, for everything. -Tiffany Enriquez
Willa S. Tierney
Willa S. Tierney
Only positive things to say about Women’s First! I always receive excellent communication from support staff and I’m very grateful for the doctor-patient relationship I have with Dr. Rebecca Booth. I frequently speak highly of and recommend this practice to friends, family, and colleagues!
Yoselin Ramirez
Yoselin Ramirez
La doctora margarita terraza aun trabaja ahí?