To my patients,
I am very saddened to tell you that it became necessary to retire suddenly from practice due to a serious medical condition. On July 14th I had surgery for a brain cancer called glioblastoma. This cancer is considered incurable. Soon I will be starting treatments intended to give me lots of quality time with my family and friends! I am currently experiencing permanent loss of some of my vision that prevents me from returning to any practice.
I want you to know what a tremendous pleasure and honor it has been to care for all of you over the past 30 years here at Women First. Thank you for trusting me with your health and the health of your babies! The other physicians and practitioners in the office are prepared to continue to provide you with the highest level of care. If you have a future appointment scheduled with me, that appointment will be rescheduled to another Women First provider. Please feel free to contact our office if you have a specific provider that you would like to see, and the office will arrange that.
I will miss going to work each day to the greatest job I could imagine. Please pray for my family and me.
Leigh Price, MD