Vaginal Birth after C-Section

Women First Care – Through every stage of life

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Labor &


Women First wants to support you in the birth experience YOU want. If you have had a cesarean section in a prior delivery, it’s very possible you can have a vaginal delivery in your next pregnancy.

You have options if you have had a prior cesarean section. You can plan a scheduled repeat C-section that will be done even if you are laboring. You can also explore Trial of Labor After Cesarean (TOLAC), with the goal of having a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, or VBAC.

With VBAC, you may be able to experience a planned vaginal birth with your baby. There are many benefits of a VBAC, but there are also risks. The benefits include no abdominal surgery, usually shorter recovery from delivery, less risk of infection, and less blood loss. The biggest risk of VBAC is that the prior uterine scar may rupture. While this is uncommon, when this happens, it is an obstetrical emergency that can be life-threatening for baby and/or mom.

While 60-80% is the accepted standard success rate for VBAC, Women First is proud of having a significantly higher VBAC success rate. We work with our patients who are pregnant to determine the best candidates to try to labor. So, for our patients who attempt a trial of labor, we have close to 90% who achieve successful vaginal deliveries.

Favorable factors for VBAC include prior vaginal delivery and the reason for the prior C-section. When the prior cesarean was done for a non-recurring reason, such as breech position, the baby not tolerating labor, or previa, chances of successful VBAC are best. Recurring reasons would include things such as the baby being too big to fit or labor not progressing. We also do not recommend trying to labor if a mom has had more than one prior cesarean section.

One of the biggest contributors to a successful VBAC is spontaneous labor. Women First doesn’t aggressively induce labor in moms with prior C-sections, so spontaneous labor is a major factor in a successful vaginal birth after C-section.

Use the calculator below to input your personal information and get your individual calculated success rate.

VBAC Calculator

There is always the chance that issues may arise, so Women First spends time with you to review your concerns and expectations, discuss your risks and benefits, and help plan your best delivery experience. Baptist Health Louisville is a VBAC-friendly hospital supportive of your choices. They also have the ability to deal with a VBAC emergency should it happen. Either way, you’ll receive exceptional care throughout your entire labor and delivery.

If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant and want to explore the options of a vaginal birth after cesarean section, talk with Women First. We’re here to help you make an informed decision that’s best for you and your baby.

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